Single Mom

Beautiful and Relaxing

Single Mom

Beautiful and Relaxing

Single Mom

Beautiful and Relaxing

Single Mom

Beautiful and Relaxing

Single Mom's

Beautiful and Relaxing


First Aid: External Itching 

There are numerous causes of external itching—dry skin, allergic reaction, an imbalance in the body—you name it! And lotions or creams don’t always soothe. In fact, if you’ve scratched till your skin is raw, lotion can further irritate.
But I can almost guarantee that no matter the cause—a little ACV can tame an itch in no time.


• 1/4 cup ACV
• 1 cup water
• 1 clean cotton ball
Mix ACV with water
Dab the affected area a couple of times a day
Stop when the itching subsides

First Aid: Sore Throat

Most of the time a sore throat is nothing serious—and if caught early enough a common sense remedy like ACV can save you hours of time wasted at the doctor’s office—and a hefty co-pay IF you have insurance!
In cases of viral infection, antibiotics don’t help—but that doesn’t keep doctors from over-prescribing unnecessary medication that could make matters worse.


• 1/4 cup ACV
• 1/4 cup filtered water
At first sign of sore throat
Mix ACV with water
Gargle with this solution for at least 30 seconds
Rinse with Water
Repeat several times

First Aid: pH Skin Balancer

ACV contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that balance the skin's pH—making it a great natural choice to keep your skin looking and feeling its best


  1. Fill a small wash basin with warm water and ½ cup of ACV. Standing in the shower or tub, dip your hands in the mixture and massage all over your body until thoroughly wet.
  2. Massage the balancer into your skin until it is dry; do not wash off.
  3. As an alternative, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray yourself after your shower or bath for an invigorating pH balancer.

First Aid: Hair Rinse

If you wash your hair with conventional shampoo, a residue builds up over time. This can cause your hair to become dull and lifeless.

To remove the residue and restore shine and bounce, do this:


  1. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of ACV with 1 cup of water
  2. Pour onto your hair
  3. Rinse with water